If you find a link that doesn't work on this page, please send me
an email and let me know which one isn't working and the correct link if you know it.
Know of a link you think I should have on this page? Send me the link and I'll check it out.
This page and related pages will be going through continuous changes as I work on improving it's layout. As I envision it, this will be the main page with references to several sub-pages that catigorize links.
Detailed information about what the 3 Elmwood Fitness Centers have to
offer members and guests in metropolitan New Orleans.
CLICK HERE FOR on line court reservations Requires member log in and then click on "Book It Online" at the top of the page.
The Louisiana Racquetball Association is the official state racquetball organization which sanctions tournaments
all over the state as well as overseeing various programs to improve racquetball in Louisiana.
They need all of our support to keep racquetball moving ahead in Louisiana. Check them out:
The official web site of the International Racquetball Tour.
The official site of the "Lady's Professional Racquetball Tour "
Greater New Orleans Senior Olympics
GNOSO's Mission is to provide seniors over the age of 50, quality venues
to participate in a variety of athletic, recreational and social activities, all
of which promote wellness and an active lifestyle.
34 Exciting Events - 21 Scenic Venues - 1 Great District Olympiad!
The National Masters Racquetball Association (NMRA) is a non-profit organization of men and women
racquetball players who are age 45 and over - including some players in the 85+ categories
This is a sight that has a lot of great info about racquetball we could all use. They have discussions about rules and general
tips on playing and improving your game. Check it out and let me know what you think of it since it is what I had visioned for
the "SKILLS & DRILLS" page yet better in my opinion.
To get a racquet restrung, I recommend Jim at "SECOND SERVE TENNIS CENTER",
located at 3951 Veterans Blvd. They are across the street from Paretti Mazda in Metairie.
The phone # is 455-4706. Their hours are 10 am to 6 pm Tuesday through Saturday.
Most of the time you can get your racquet restrung the same day if you get it there early enough.
They aren't only a tennis store now as they also have Ektelon and E-Force racquetball racquets and equipment at competitive prices, so check them out.
Lawler Sports has a lot of racquetball equipment at what looks like fair prices.
Racquetball Warehouse is the official equipment sponser for the IRT in 05, you may want to check out. Enter code: RWUSA to recieve 10% off you next order.
RacquetWorld.com is another equipment supplier you may want to check out.
Pacific Sports Warehouse, an online catalog store for racquetball stuff.
This a great site for links of all kinds sent to me by Joe S. Check it out!
This is a good reference site for anything to do with the government, national or local. This is a free site without advertising which accesses over 15 million web pages..
This is a good site for information about the flag of The United States of America.
A very effective search engine.
This link is for "Firefox" which I have found to be a great web browser program. It is freeware and is easy to install. Looks and works like IE but a lot safer with a couple of nice features IE doesn't have.