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HANDICAPPING: When playing each other, the Novice player will start with a score of +3 and the D player will start with a score of -2.
It will still be 3 games to 11 and when a player plays another of the same level, both will start off with 0 as in the past.
Players with (+) behing thier name start with an additional -3 points against non(+)players.

We request players wear "approved protective" eye wear at all times when playing racquetball.

This page last updated 10-Feb-2025 11:03 PM

AND THE December 2024 WINNERS ARE;
Novice=Furcy Zeringue
D=Philip Yiannopoulos
Advanced=Jerry Cain

League schedule for February 17th:
An {N} behind a member's name on the schedule denotes a novice player.
And a {+} behind a member's name denotes an advanced player.

1v15, 16v14, 17v13, 18v12, 19v11, 20v10, 2v9, 3v8, 4v7, 5v6

6PM - 9PM >  fpfc
NOTE:   fpfc = First match present plays on first court available

Three games to 11 points adjusted as follows:
#v# begins game at (0)v(0)
#(N)v#(N) begins game at (0)v(0)
#v#(N) begins game at (-2)v(+3)
#(N)v# begins game at (+3)v(-2)
Players with {+} behind thier name on the full schedule start with an additional -3 against non{+} players

NOTE: If this page has not been updated for the current week, please contact AL Reagle, thanks.

UNPLAYED MATCHES as of February 10th:
6v15, 7v14, 19v17, 2v15, 3v14, 1v17, 18v16, 20v14, 2v13, 5v10, 6v9, 17v15, 2v11, 3v10, 4v9, 5v8,

Good luck to everyone!


Monday night "Novice-D" league manager, Al Reagle (504) 858-2305

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