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Plus Pickup Doubles

NOTE: Due to the size of this league there will be some rules I think everyone needs to keep in mind so we can have a smooth running league.
A lot of our members want to just play doubles but this is still a singles league and will be conducted as such as follows.

  • #1-First scheduled match present plays on first court available.
  • #2-When both players are present for a scheduled match, neither player is eligible for pickup doubles during thier scheduled match unless the match was played in advance.
  • #3-Scheduled matches have first priority on court usage.
  • #4-Doubles will have priority over singles only when there is not a scheduled and/or other match approved by the league manager.
  • #5-ONLY current league members may play on league courts. If any player is on a court and not a league member, the game will be stopped and that player asked to leave the court. I expect all our members to inform any non-league member that wants to play on the reserved courts that they are not allowed unless approved in advance by the league manager.
  • #6-11am, Court #1 will become a Pickup Doubles Challenge court. After winning 3 consecutive games the winning team must yield to 2 new teams, one of which could be the team that just lost if 2 new teams aren't available.
  • #7-As always, the league manager has the final word in any and all discrepancies.
  • #8-NOTE-Must be a current Saturday League member to play Pickup Doubles unless not enough league members are present to play.
  • We request players wear "approved protective" eye wear at all times when playing racquetball.

    This page last updated 06-Feb-2025 5:29 PM

    AND THE October 5th, 2024 Winners ARE:
    1st Place=Jaison Buie
    2nd Place=Dan Maloney
    Consolation=Glenn Gillen
    Random Draw=Bill Rodgers

    No League February 8th Superbowl Shootout
    League scheduled for February 15th:

    1v2, 3v18, 4v17, 7v14, 9v12, 10v11

    9 AM-1 PM>  fpfc
    11 AM- 1 PM >
     Crt#1 dbls.
    NOTE: fpfc = First match present plays on first court available

    NOTE: If this page has not been updated for the current week or has an error, please contact AL Reagle, thanks.

    UNPLAYED MATCHES as of February 1st:
    2v17, 17v15, 17v11, 18v10, 2v9, 15v11, 2v7, 14v6, 12v6, 17v18, 6v4, 9v18, 7v18,

    Click here to go to SATURDAY league schedule.

    Click here to go to SATURDAY playoff schedule.

    Click on names below to send an e-mail.
    Rex Beard

    Sean Dedebant

    Jaison Bouie

    Frank Taormina

    Dan Maloney

    David Alleman

    Hector Meier

    David Finneman

    Howard Harper

    Jim DelCano

    Rene Diaz

    Chris Beachy

    Keith Hosli

    Jose Tarantino

    Glenn Gillen

    Michael Christman

    AL Reagle

    Al Schof

    Anthony Zeringue

    Bill Rogers

    Glenn McLellan

    John Bienvenu

    Paul Cooper

    Arthur Roussel

    Bill Deibel

    J.D. Dedebant

    Brian Acuna

    Jim Russo

    Frank Bruno

    Arthur Chin

    Albert Prah

    Clarence Simmons




    Good luck to everyone!


    Saturday "B-Mixed" league manager, Al Reagle (504) 858-2305

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